Topic Two

Environment for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

TO2. In the second thematic group we will focus on design and implementation of programming environment for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with emphasis on Human Centered Methods and Technologies (HCT-T) with using AR technologies, where the objectives of basic research will be:

TO2.1 Analysis and comparison of existing approaches which are used to address problematic of VR/AR technologies and visualizations. This part also includes analysis and comparison of relevant results achieved during solving previous projects. Various simulators for social robotics will be tested such as SIGVerse, ROS-Gazebo and other ones used mainly for computer games.

Investigator: CIT


TO2.2 Definition of methodology for creation of large data structures, particularly virtual worlds, scenes and objects, input/output elements and sensors, including required basic formal descriptive methods and applications solving the implementation field based on specification of its models and usage of given formal descriptive methods for description of worlds, scenes, objects and relations between them in chosen simulators including integration of environment in UVT TUKE.

Investigator: CIT


TO2.3 Usage of VR/AR technologies in the creation of systems interfaces, scripting language implementation and overall support of complete VR chain including 3D scanning, printing and stereoscopic visualization technologies.

Investigator: CIT


TO2.4 Creation, verification and implementation of programming resources of 3D interfaces and visualization of large-scale data, which deployment of VR/AR technologies assume.

Investigator: CIT


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