Topic One

Computational Intelligence in Human-Robot Interaction

TO1. Topic number one will be aimed at utilization of means of computational intelligence in human-robot interaction with the use of tele-operated HCI, where the main goals of the research are:

TO1.1 Creation of a personalized behavior model of a human, where the user subjectively rates verbal and visual inputs, which are mirrored by an agent. This agent is a humanoid robot, which will adjust its behavior based on the user's preferences. The output will be a personalized system for verbal and non-verbal communication with emotional features. An intuitive distributed environment for creating databases of gestures using the Kinect sensor will be part of the solution. The research will investigate whether personalized behavior increases the effectiveness of human-robot interaction. In this activity we will use interactive evolutionary computations and neural networks, mainly ARTMAPs.

Investigator: CIT


TO1.2 Development of complex teleoperational system for human - robot interaction. The teleoperational system will serve for extending the possibilities of manual control by an operator by assisted teleoperation and later by adaptation of the teleoperational system and extraction of knowledge from the process of manual control. The teleoperational system will also serve as an integrated interface for operator-machine-environment. The output will be a distributed system for teleoperation of robot NAO, with the ability to learn. As a part of the solution we will create an intelligent space needed for effective cooperation of humanoid robot NAO and the operator. In this activity we will use multiagent technologies and symbolical artificial intelligence.

Investigator: CIT


TO1.3 Application of cloud technologies for enhancing human-machine interaction. Moving computationally hard tasks to the cloud environment enables the utilization of advanced techniques for enjoyable interaction. Connection to cloud enables sharing information about the user between various devices. Sharing information about the user between various applications will be also subject of the research. At the end of the project we will have experience with the creation of distributed expert system based on cloud robotics. At the same time in collaboration with other universities current trends in EU and in the world will be studied. A software for connecting the NAO robot to the cloud will be also the part of the solution. In this activity we will create AI bricks of various methods using the Azure cloud platform with the goal to create APIs for those methods.

Investigator: CIT


TO1.4 Study of social networks and their role for technical systems, resp. social networks for robotic systems. Subject of research will be human-robot interaction on social networks and subsequently analysis of extracted data from those interactions. The output will be a pilot study for a chosen social network with the possibility to integrate a robotic platform. IT support of such a solution will be also part of the research with emphasis on learning and sharing information. In this activity we will use machine learning for identification of sentiment including systems such as Cortana suite for Azure. 

Investigator: CIT


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